12 Must Haves for a coop

  1. Provides space for all the hens (depends on the breed)
  2. Has ventilation
  3. No drafts
  4. Maintains a comfortable temperature
  5. Protection from the elements
  6. Keeps out rodents, wild birds and predators.
  7. Has plenty of light during the day (not directly across from the nest box)
  8. Plenty of roosting space. (depends on the size of hens you have)
  9. clean nest boxes with lots of fluffy nesting material.
  10. Super cleaning feed and water stations
  11. Easy for you to clean (figure this into your coop design)
  12. Has good drainage in the run (use mulch with no dye like Cypress Mulch)

When it comes to chicken keeping, cleanliness is the most important thing you can do for your flock and family.  A soiled coop is the fastest way to harm your chickens, alienate your neighbors and give the rest of us a bad name.  NO messy coops people!