Chicken Sitting

Vacation time!

Don’t leave the chickens to the last minute!  Your chickens deserve the best concierge.  Please email me for prices.  Prices depend on where you are located.  I will happily provide the following.

  • AM visit: Let the birds out of the coop, feed, and water, collect eggs.
  • PM visit: Close the birds up in the coop, feed, and water, collect eggs.
  • Extended Service: Watch the birds for an hour while they free range in the yard.
  • Coop maintenance: bedding change, mulch flip, straw fluffing.
  • Emergency vet visit: Take any birds that appear sick to the vet.

PS. Have a kitty or a dog?  Not a problem!  For an additional fee per pet, I will make sure your furry family is in as excellence shape as your feathered one.

Chicken Concierge

Spring break is right around the corner, and as your finalizing your plans... don’t leave the chickens to the last minute!  Your chickens deserve the best concierge.  Please email me for prices.  Prices depend on where you are located.  I will happily provide the following.

  • AM visit: Let the birds out of the coop, feed, and water, collect eggs.
  • PM visit: Close the birds up in the coop, feed, and water, collect eggs.
  • Extended Service: Watch the birds for an hour while they free range in the yard. (depends on day)
  • Coop maintenance bedding change, mulch flip, straw fluffing
  • Emergency vet visit: Take any birds that appear sick to the vet.

PS. Have a kitty or a dog?  Not a problem!  For an additional fee per pet, I will make sure your furry family is in as excellence shape as your feathered one.