- Know where your eggs come from. You can be part of the solution! Factory farms do unspeakable harm to chickens. I wont go into details, because I will just get upset. Google it for yourself. When you raise your own eggs you know that the hens were treated humanly, feed well, and given space they deserve.
- You can produce enough eggs for your family and others What a great lesson for you and your children. Teaching them about where their food really comes from. Also, teaching them to share with others. You will become an ambassador for fresh food and sharing!
- Natural pest control! Chickens eat mosquitoes, ticks, cockroaches, pretty much all insects that are pests! (even mice and snakes, turns out chickens are not chicken)
- Endless entertainment Chickens are endless entertainment. They are always exploring and playing around. They have a lot of personality! Running and pecking. Looking for grubs. Your chickens will run up to you after a long day at work (looking for snacks)..but its still really cute.
- Easy to care for If you can take care of a dog, you can take care of a small flock of chickens.
- Home grown eggs are WAY better for you. 1/3 less cholesterol • 1/4 less saturated fat • 2/3 more vitamin A • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids • 3 times more vitamin E • 7 times more beta carotene
- Free Range does not mean Free. Cage free is a joke. Terms like 'free-range' and 'cage-free' don't always mean what people think (and hope) they mean. In fact, because there is very little regulation for these words, they basically have no meaning whatsoever. Cage-free is simply that the chickens aren't raised in battery cages but that doesn't mean they aren't stuffed into huge houses with forty thousand other chickens, leading only a slightly less miserable life than if they were in cages. They do not get to go outside.
- For all the Money you can make! Just Kidding! Just Kidding! You will not make money with selling your backyard flocks eggs. Don't get me wrong, I sell my eggs at work, but not at a great profit. Your reward will be will be wonderful though! The chickens are so fun, and you don't want to be part of the food problem in America..it's just gross and sad.
- You will make new friends You will for sure meet other people with chickens. You may even be on a coop tour! Way to be awesome. Teach people about chickens, and improve their health with home grown eggs.
- You have to take care of yourself! There are too many people and not enough ways to feed them..so its all being mass produces in the most disgusting ways. The government watch over our food safety by testing one in every 18 million eggs consumed, which is hardly reassuring.